Entries by secretary

VBS 2023

Registration forms are now available for VBS 2023 – Keepers of the Kingdom ~Standing Strong in Today’s Battle for Truth under the VBS tab. We are engaged in an epic battle for the hearts and minds of our youth. Every day, they are bombarded with lies about who they are, who their Creator is, and […]

Worship Service Videos

On Sunday mornings, we are currently livestreaming both the 8:30 a.m. Worship Service and the 10:45 a.m. Worship Services on Youtube.com and Facebook.com.  Just type First Baptist Church Bemidji in the search bar of those sites.   They will remain available on these sites for you to watch later as well.

Message from the Elders

Our community is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of COVID-19 cases.  In an effort to help us remain healthy, and out of love and respect for each other, the elder board asks that we be mindful of the following: 1) Stay home if you are sick 2) Practice social distancing 3) Wear a face covering 4) Wash […]

Message from the FBC Elders

Dear First Baptist Family, Over the past several weeks, since re-opening our doors, the Elders have received a lot of feedback on our COVID Preparedness Plans.  Thank you to all for sharing your thoughts, concerns, and ideas.  As your Church Leadership, we have taken all this feedback under advisement and have spent time praying, discussing, […]

FBC COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

FBC COVID-19 Preparedness Plan First Baptist Church of Bemidji offers an online service, an indoor service, and an outdoor service. In an effort to promote the health and safety of our congregation, please observe the following – FBC COVID-19 Preparedness Plan 6.23.2020 If you have questions or concerns you may contact one of the Plan […]

VBS Information

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing, Mystery Island VBS 2020 is being held online. Click here to check out the Mystery Island Daily Dramas

The Josties In Concert

~ The Josties in Concert ~ Saturday, March 14th ~ 7:00 p.m. First Baptist Church The Jost family brings a lively blend of organic acoustic music with a contemporary folk flavor.  Coming from southern Alberta, Canada, their lighthearted humor and fervent hope in Christ make for a refreshing and encouraging experience!

All Church Fall Fellowship Game Night

We will be having an all church fall fellowship game night on Friday, November 15th at 7:00 p.m.  Everyone is invited for an evening of fun and games.  Please bring a snack to share and your favorite board game.  Come and enjoy the fun!!!