Event Calendar

< December 2024 >
1Traditional Worship Service
8:30 am
Traditional Worship ServiceTime: 8:30 am
Contemporary Worship Service
10:45 am
Contemporary Worship ServiceTime: 10:45 am
2 3 4 5Men's Prayer Meeting
7:30 am
Men's Prayer MeetingTime: 7:30 am
6 7Band of Brothers
7:30 am - 9:00 am

Band of BrothersTime: 7:30 am - 9:00 am
You are invited to Band of Brothers held at First Baptist Church the first Saturday of each month, in the youth room, 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. What is it all about? Get to know other guys. Talking, sharing, praying, asking questions, making friends… Come and join other men in fellowship! First Baptist Church
1555 Paul Bunyan Dr NW
Bemidji, MN 56601
8Traditional Worship Service
8:30 am
Traditional Worship ServiceTime: 8:30 am
Contemporary Worship Service
10:45 am
Contemporary Worship ServiceTime: 10:45 am
9 10 11 12Men's Prayer Meeting
7:30 am
Men's Prayer MeetingTime: 7:30 am
13 14
15Traditional Worship Service
8:30 am
Traditional Worship ServiceTime: 8:30 am
Contemporary Worship Service
10:45 am
Contemporary Worship ServiceTime: 10:45 am
16 17 18 19Men's Prayer Meeting
7:30 am
Men's Prayer MeetingTime: 7:30 am
20 21
22Traditional Worship Service
8:30 am
Traditional Worship ServiceTime: 8:30 am
Contemporary Worship Service
10:45 am
Contemporary Worship ServiceTime: 10:45 am
23 24 25FBC Volunteers at Food Shelf
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
FBC Volunteers at Food ShelfTime: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
FBC Volunteers at Food Shelf
Help people with their shopping in a fun atmosphere.
Bemidji Community Food Shelf
1260 Exchange Ave SE
Bemidji, MN 56601
26Men's Prayer Meeting
7:30 am
Men's Prayer MeetingTime: 7:30 am
27 28
29Traditional Worship Service
8:30 am
Traditional Worship ServiceTime: 8:30 am
Contemporary Worship Service
10:45 am
Contemporary Worship ServiceTime: 10:45 am
30 31